
Enrol with FCA

To access the production environment, you must be a TPP authorised by the FCA or passported into the UK. Instructions for accessing our Production APIs.

Enrol with Open Banking

You must also enrol onto the Open Banking Directory, the key component that enables TPPs to enrol with Open Banking and participate in account information and payment initiation transactions through APIs.

Enrol with Tide using Dynamic Client Registration

This specification defines the APIs for a TPP to submit a Software Statement Assertion to an ASPSP for the purpose of creating OAuth clients that are registered with ASPSP.

Please see the following specifications we have aligned with:


We recommend that you start off by accessing our Sandbox.

Our Sandbox fully reflects our production environment and provides an easy route to testing out your proposition.


To access the production environment, you must be a TPP authorised by the FCA or passported into the UK. Instructions for accessing our Production APIs.

API Documentation

Please see the following specifications we have aligned with:

Screen scraping

For those third party providers wishing to screen scrape, or continue screen scraping against Tide's web channels please connect to

Tide's international currency account information and international payments APIs are available via this modified customer interface.

If you require test accounts please contact

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